Filtering by: “Term Classes”

Open Access Scene Study 1 (daytime)
to 31 Aug

Open Access Scene Study 1 (daytime)

Open Access Scene Study courses can be taken in any order. This class will use the fundamental acting techniques championed by The Studio as a platform to explore and develop the actors' craft, rehearsal process and script analysis. Actors will discover techniques that allow them to consistently live authentically during performance, with a strong connection to the life of their character, their emotional circumstances and the world of the play.


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Open Access Scene Study 1  - April 2021 (evening)
to 26 May

Open Access Scene Study 1 - April 2021 (evening)

Open Access Scene Study courses can be taken in any order. This class will use the fundamental acting techniques championed by The Studio as a platform to explore and develop the actors' craft, rehearsal process and script analysis. Actors will discover techniques that allow them to consistently live authentically during performance, with a strong connection to the life of their character, their emotional circumstances and the world of the play.


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Open Access Scene Study 1 (daytime)
to 9 Mar

Open Access Scene Study 1 (daytime)

Open Access Scene Study courses can be taken in any order. This class will use the fundamental acting techniques championed by The Studio as a platform to explore and develop the actors' craft, rehearsal process and script analysis. Actors will discover techniques that allow them to consistently live authentically during performance, with a strong connection to the life of their character, their emotional circumstances and the world of the play.


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Special Scene Study (daytime)
to 8 Mar

Special Scene Study (daytime)

This class is specifically designed for graduates of our online programs (Introduction to Technique, Six-Week Program, Four-Week Program and the Advanced Online program). Please do not book into this class if you have not graduated from one of these courses. This course gives actors the opportunity to refine their craft in a classroom setting and work on a text opposite one or more actors, using the studios props and furniture to make place. This course is a fast-paced, hands-on exploration of technique as applied to scene work.


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Scene Study with Sarah Hallam
to 18 Aug

Scene Study with Sarah Hallam

At the Howard Fine Acting Studio, actors deepen their understanding of The Studio's award-winning approach to acting through weekly Scene Study classes. Scene Study represents the cornerstone of the Howard Fine Acting Studio and embodies the commitment of the faculty and students to on-going, technique-driven training.


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Open Access Scene Study 2 (daytime)
to 2 Jun

Open Access Scene Study 2 (daytime)

Open Access Scene Study classes can be taken in any order. In this class students will be assigned two of Uta Hagen's famous Object Exercises which address fundamental acting and technique issues. Upon completion of these exercises students are assigned a scene partner and play with which to continue their work. Actors will discover techniques that allow them to consistently live authentically during performance, with a strong connection to the life of their character, their emotional circumstances and the world of the play.


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Open Access Scene Study 3
to 18 Dec

Open Access Scene Study 3

Open Access Scene Study courses can be taken in any order. In this class students use monologues (for the first two classes) to begin exploring the techniques championed by The Studio. After which participants are assigned scenes and partners for the final four sessions. Actors will discover techniques that allow them to consistently live authentically during performance, with a strong connection to the life of their character, their emotional circumstances and the world of the play.


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Improvisation for Actors - introduction
to 24 Jun

Improvisation for Actors - introduction

Whether you're an actor working on a scene, a comedian developing a one person show, or an improvisor wanting to upskill, let Jimmy Eaton (Award winning comedian and master of improvised comedy) help you harness the powers of improvisation and apply it to your very own industry work.


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